I have an excuse…

So I know, I haven’t written in months and the promise of many posts about my summer holidays and change in lifestyle linger in the air.

But (as usual) I have an excuse. Except this time I think it’s a pretty good one

1) I’ve had a pretty stressful time at sixth form. I’m talking exams, coursework, numerous deadlines and general life-ness (that’s a word now). And I’ve pretty much learnt how to deal with this (not even gonna lie, it’s been hard) but I’m coping. Due to factors that really deserve their own posts. The final date for this period of my life is the 11th of June, so basically I will devote my time to WordPress then :’)

2) In the mean time, I have taken part in the creation of a short film (& a few other things :D) so I haven’t been lazing around playing Sims; as much as I would love that. I have been rushed off my feet with production, re shooting and editing till 3am (what is life).  But it’s produced some of my proudest work to date, there some things I would re shoot (perfectionist habit) but I think even the suggestion of re shooting would end in my murder. I will link to the film and the poster below, also I will link the Facebook page in case any of you guys are interested in the making.




Okay guys, I have two exciting announcements starting this summer! Okay first of all, I’ve decided to start a YouTube channel where I’ll do exactly what I do on here; but with my face. (Yeah, this gon be great >.<)  Alsoooo, me and my performing arts crew will be featuring in a performance at DISNEYLAND PARIS at the end of June, so you know I’ll be vlogging the whole thing. It’ll be just like you’re there with me. 

So basically, this summer’s gonna be off the hook, and I will make a timetable and stick to it! (I hope) 

See ya next time, Jemimah x


My ten days in Barking Town Hall

So it’s my last day in Town Hall and over these two weeks, which my mother says has flown by but it felt like two months to me. I’ve learnt many things about what I want to do, what I’m missing, and many other things.

First of all, I learnt that I don’t like having tea outside of my house. Weird, right? If I am not sitting down wrapped up in my bathrobe, watching Netflix, I don’t even want to hear the word tea. And you know I really am comfortable at your house, if you offer me a cup of tea and I accept. I guess it’s more of a psychological thing, my brain associates tea with home and a lovely couch. But that’s just me.

Back on topic, while I was there I was fortunate enough to see both sides of the media. A company (the council) and the press (newspapers) – I writing press releases and sending them to newspapers and I’ve received press releases and turned them into articles. This really helped me identify what I want to do whether I want stay down the English/Media route or totally change. I want a job where I will be very busy, constantly on my feet, so busy that I may even forget to eat. To me at least that seems like fun. I don’t want to end in a job where I’m always sitting and on a computer all day and the only time you’re up is for some really long boring meeting.

The quote “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone” is very spot on for my position, this is not the first time that it has happened either. It’s surprising all the little things you miss when you are taken away from it. I miss my friends, Chinese on Thursdays, walking home everyday, badminton on Fridays, etc.

Also, there is a lot of things people don’t understand about the government or even their local council. There isn’t some secret scandal going on, there isn’t some rich greedy man sitting in charge, who couldn’t give a toss about anyone. There are just normal people like us. Human. flawed. Just like us, so before you go on a rant, shouting down the phone to the council, take a deep breathe and explain your problem. They’re more likely to help you that way. Now don’t get me wrong, I am sure there are people that work for the council that really couldn’t give two monkeys about your problem, all I’m saying is that I’m yet to meet one.

This work experience was amazing, it really did show me what work was and I am excited to begin but there is a time and place for everything and now is not it. It has shown me to not take for granted the freedom and extra time I have on my hands now, because I won’t have it forever.

Until next time

Jemimah x

Distractions and what it costs us.

It’s not a Sunday, I know. Stop judging me!

Okay, I may be the biggest hypocrite alive, taking about this. But this is as much to me, as it is to all of you guys. Because at this moment, I’m distracting from coursework, but that can wait…right?

If we actually  look at much how much we distract, from what we set out to do, it’s unreal. I’m pretty sure that all those people your jealous, those successful and rich people. That you wonder how did they do it, they must have something I don’t have. There are only two things you need to succeed: determination and focus. If you have those two nothing and no one will be able to stop.

So people! This is a wake up call! There’ll be time for random distractions later. What did you log unto the computer for? Was it to do your coursework? What are you doing right now? Oh, you’re on Tumblr, I’m guessing it’s going to do it for you.

At the end of the day, if you focus and get out of the way, you’ll be able to whatever you want to do. But if you do everything else first, it’ll still be waiting for you at the end of the day. (I began and ended my paragraph with ‘at the end of the day’. Amazing)

I’m off to focus and so should you.

Until next time

Jemimah x

It’s not me, It’s you.

Hey guys,

Quick one, I was listening to this awesome album by Lily Allen, who is just amazing. I love the sound and vibe that runs throughout the album. So have a listen and let me know. Haha, I may even do a review on it. ^.^

Until next time

Jemimah x

Week One: Netflix & constant tiredness

It officially the end of the week, the last day of the first week. Work experience does this special thing of making you feel like you’re in some sort of alternative universe where you’re 27 and have about 5 friends, all from work. Weeks literally feel like months mainly because so much has happened, you forget that you only started on Monday. If you checked my earlier post, I told you were I worked but if you don’t care enough, well I shall but cry myself to sleep tonight. I work in the London borough council of Barking and Dagenham. I work with the communications and marketing team, so those are the people that give out the press releases, dealing with journalists to managing the borough’s social networking accounts etc. I learnt that there are many aspects to this job, it includes a large unpredictability as every day will be dealing a issues that many people won’t know about until it gets out of hand.

My day consist of coming at 9:30, lunch with my friends, finishing at 5 then getting home and watching Netflix till I fall asleep. Yes, it’s a sad life but for one, I can’t help it and two this won’t last forever. Sure this will be me one day, but for now I miss sixth form, friends, badminton, etc. the easy life really.

I’m glad that work experience has opened my eyes to this, but also it’s taken me to some great places and enabled to do some great things.  In the organisation I work for so many amazing things have happened and I know everyone is constantly busy. I think that sometimes there is misunderstanding between the council and its residents. Also, a lot of people speak about the council without find out facts first – basically it’s down to the individual. I think if the residents showed a bit more patience and understanding. Sometimes the council can’t get straight back to you. There always things going on some you don’t know about so please calmly talk to them. Treat them how you would like to be treated if you worked for the council.

I know that I have learnt so much like many things about the borough history and how there is always two sides to every story.

So guys, please know your facts before you start talking.

P.S. Happy Independence Day (America) ^.^

Until next time

Jemimah x

First Day Wonders: Work Experience

You guys know me; I’m not normally one to speak about politics and things of that matter. I’m all about ‘One Love’ and what normal people call all the ‘New Age stuff’. However, today I started my work experience todayand it is now 10.37 and I can’t say I’ve had a boring moment so far unlike my pervious year 10 work experience (sorry John Perry). I was quite nervous when I came; I thought it would all be very serious and quite stiff – mostly sitting in awkward silence. However everyone is friendly and very relaxed with each other, they’re always cracking jokes – they definitely know how to make someone feel welcome.

On my tour of the building, I met the Leader of the Council, Cllr Darren Rodwell, who just came into office a few weeks ago. He is a lovely person, who is one of those people who many people would call the ‘perfect boss’. By 9.30, I was fortunate enough to attend a Job Shop staff meeting with him and my manager, in which we stayed long enough for him to give an inspirational speech. For once I’m not over-exaggerating; I felt the need to clap at the end however I held it back because nobody clapped….that would have been awkward. I didn’t take any notes during his speech but I will try and quote him as best as I can.

This not were he began, but cut me some slack, I’m writing the highlights – “I want Barking and Dagenham to be the centre of culture in East London, don’t laugh (slight laugher and grins). We have a lot of culture in Barking and Dagenham but we fail to capitalise on it. Like the Barking Abbey Ruins, that isn’t used enough and most people in this area don’t know about it. Or about Lord Denman, who was Chief Justice of England and lived over Parsloes Park in the Fanshawe Manor, helped push through one of the greatest pieces of legislation for 13 years – The Slavery Abolition Act. Or Elizabeth Fry who was an English prison reformer and social reformer who” (Sorry I don’t actually remember what he said about her, don’t hate me) “I want to unite these two Essex towns to become one – next year we will be celebrating 50 years of being the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham; plans for that party have already started.

Last week, a piano was put in the middle of square outside Barking Town Hall; now I heard some people that could play and others that couldn’t but that’s all just proof that the community want to be active and involved, they just need the chance too. I’ve started speaking to Boris about the 11,000 homes that need to built and about getting that done in the next 5-6 years. Also, about the Ford factory that they want to close down, that we can turn into a heritage museum, with all the old cars from the R1 to the last car assembled at the Dagenham plant, this place is full of the history and when the Made In Dagenham girls fought for equal pay” (which was a direct influence to the passing of bill for Equal Rights for women.)

I have already enjoyed my time here and it is not yet lunch time, I am pleasantly surprised by what I have found, especially by the Leader (who brought me cake, but I promise you I liked him before he brought me cake) It has somewhat restored my faith in the Government and my borough. I will try and update more about my work experience.

But until next time,

Jemimah x

Youtube and all it’s glorious wonders

My friend Paolo and I decided to start a thing called Request Sundays. Which is where during the week you guys tell us which topic you want us to blog about next Sunday, this could be anything from brands like Tumblr and Facebook to subjects like…I don’t know History. So get involved! You can let us know on social networks or just comment down below.

Hope this takes off or it could get awkward….

So this weekend I decided to talk one of my favourite sites on the internet: YouTube. I could go highlighting the positives about this site. There is literally only one bad thing I can think of and that is the fact that when I go on planning to watch one video, I could be watching that ‘one’ video for the next 2 hours. I love it but it has a bad effect on my grades like all social networks. >.<

There is only other thing that annoys me is the way YouTube constant dramatic change of layout an example is the new ‘lighter’ layout that offers you a more basic video page with a lot less videos. So it’s easier not to be distracted by another video. But what I don’t understand is that if a formula  is perfect why change it, right? wrong.

Except for these minor issues, YouTube is a wonderful site filled with anything and everything you could ever want, from the inspirational to the plain weird. In its own way it’s become part of the internet the way Google has and I know there are some of us that can’t live without it.

But what I really love about YouTube is the way it has provided jobs and a new kind of celebrity system online. A way to share your opinion or your music to a wider audience without needing the help of Major companies like Sony. While, some people see this as a bad thing, I believe it provides everybody with a fair chance.

Haha and maybe one day when I gather a good enough webcam, spare time, confidence and many makeup supplies I’ll start vlogging. Eventually. It’s not like YouTube’s going anywhere.

Anyways, until next time.

Jemimah x

Trust issues, Heartbreak and all the crap.

I’m writing this mainly because of personal issues in my life, has really highlighted a lot of things and made me reflect.

When you grow attached to something or someone, it can be hard to move on, to see a light at the end of the tunnel. But really it’s was time for you to move on, for whatever reason it ended and even though it doesn’t seem so now it was for the best.

An example is, and I’m not mentioning names but I knew a friend that went out a guy that broke up with her for a crappy reason. And she was very upset about it at the time but now she realities that she dodged a bullet because his now a father. No offense to teenage parents (gosh! that’s not the point)

So I thought I’ll make a little guide of how to guide your self safely out of a breakup, the time period could anything from days to years depending on how long the relationship lasted for. So grab a chocolate bar or/and a tub of ice cream and some action/romantic movies and prepare to weep.

1. Denial

In this phase, your heart rather than your head rules, they try and adjust to idea of life without that special person. So though the relationship is well and truly over, you don’t really believe it. And this is where this is where hope play in. Hope that the person will magically come back into your life, even though your friends know this not to be true.  You’ll find yourself thinking: “He’s made a mistake, of course he’ll come back to you, there’s been a misunderstanding, all’s not lost,”

2. Anger 

Suddenly everything starts to annoy you and the rest mist rises. “How could he do this to you?!” “Who does he think he is?!” You run things over and over in your head a hundred times, making him out to be a monster for what he did. This is the phase where we think it’s a great idea to tell anyone and everyone what a psycho-crazy vixen our ex was.  However, take care it doesn’t lead to vengeance, which could blow up in your face and involves further contact with him, which is not what you need right now.  

3. Worthlessness 

 You don’t want everyone to know your relationship has gone down the pan, and you’re afraid of what people will say and think. There’s no reason why a break up should make you feel like a loser, but you get the impression you’re going round with a big L tattooed on your forehead.
It’s a downward spiral which can lead you to question your self-worth. You think you’re ugly, fat, stupid, and not good enough for him, which is why he dumped you. This kind of self-flagellation will get you nowhere, so snap out of it: your qualities attracted him to you in the first place so stop telling yourself you’re worthless! In time you’ll understand why it all went wrong and accept it.

4. Acceptance 

There comes a time when you accept it’s over. Things have changed, and a new page is turning in your life. You finally accept your pain and grief and learn to live with them while you get over this stage. 
Acceptance is one of the longest and most painful stages in the healing process, but remember that accepting the split and accepting your pain is a vitally important part of healing and it means you’re on the way to getting over him.

5. Rehabilitation

Bit by bit, your wounds start to heal.
Of course the scars are still there, but you learn to live with them. You stop asking yourself why or beating yourself up, you understand why it happened and you start to think about how your life is going to pan out and what the future holds.
You find your hopes and desires coming back again and you want to discover new things.
Life suddenly seems sweet again and welcomes you with open arms.

So keep your head up, there is light at the end of the tunnel, so grab your best girlfriends and having a good rant about that poo head!

Catch ya later dudes!