Little Miss Blue Fringe…

Recently, I decided to dye my hair blue and this was strange for me as normally before I dye my hair I spend ages thinking about the pros and cons of dying my hair a certain color.

However, this time without thinking I dyed my fringe bright blue; it turned out in into a range of different shades of blue, turquoise and purple (yeah it’s weird I know). And now I’m living the pros and cons. I do enjoy having blue hair, I think it looks pretty good and my friends seem to like it. However, I do get many awkward stares (or it might just be me because I’m just awkward like that) everywhere I go and it seems that if you have your hair dyed an alternative color people seem to think you are now open so that they can share their opinion about it with you.

An example, I went to the bank a few weeks ago and as I open the door for an old woman (I know I’m such a good person :D) she looked at me and muttered to herself “well she’s quite silly, why would anyone do that.” and even though other people’s comment don’t really matter to me I wasn’t expecting that. After this experience,  I’ve had many random experiences and conversations with strangers more positive than  negative (Thank God). But I did notice most of the compliments were from younger people and it was the older generations who tended not to approve.

Part of me wants to dye my hair back to a normal color so I no longer get on the bus and feel like I’m nemo in a shark tank. And I know I’m not the only one who’s had weird experiences because of the color of your hair.

Well until the next time.

Muchas Lovas (Yes, this is me giving Kendall credit for that phase 🙂

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